Monday, January 12, 2009

The Golden Globes

Did you see the Golden Globes last night? I think the Golden Globes are my favorite of all the awards shows. I love the mix of TV and movies, and the stars actually seem to be having a good time at the show! I think the champagne that appeared to be flowing helps make the speeches better.

I explained to D last night that the Golden Globes are sort of like my version of football playoffs, and that analogy must have worked very well because he quickly relinquished the remote, and I saw all my favorite celebs in their HD glory!! D even sat on the couch and listened to me comment on outfits and spray tans to my heart’s content! Well, to be honest, he was also playing solitaire on his laptop, but he looked up whenever I told him to!

The highlights for me were seeing wins for 30 Rock and Mad Men, and also seeing Amy Adams beautiful dress and jewelry!


Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

I love them too, especially because the movies are ones I have actually seen (in comparison to all the random ones at The Oscars)!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

I love Amy Adams!

Kate said...

Please email me if you can do Jan 31. Hope you can make it!

Petunia said...

I wish I hadn't missed it!

The Mrs. said...

I love them too! Tina Feys speech was priceless, so was Kate fabulous!