Monday, September 8, 2008

Rainy Day Weekend

It was a blissful weekend despite the weatherman's predictions. Virginia got hit by the northern bands of Hanna, and Saturday was very rainy and gray. D and I ventured out briefly, but mainly we just chill-axed at home. We watched "Enchanted" (I think D enjoyed it although he would never admit it!), read books, and spent time with Maddie, D's family dog, who we watched over the weekend. This is a picture of her watching me intently as I tried to read a magazine.

I have a confession to make. Sometimes I love rainy days in order to have an excuse to do nothing. After all the craziness during the workweek, it is good to "just say no" to running errands, going out, and even working out!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!


Petunia said...

Didn't you just love Enchanted? Lil Petunia and I saw it at the movie theater TWO times! :-)

Unknown said...

I love rain and enjoy every second being at this weather! But it's not good of course when it's raining at your vacations...

Solar Powered said...

I'm with you on the rain girlfriend! Hurricane Ike is supposed come to Texas this weekend and though I wish everyone on the coast safety, I'm looking forward to a rainy Sat for the exact reasons you mentioned!