Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Reason # 5,724 To Be Happy...

A Clean Desk!

I came into work today with one goal. Not a lofty goal, for sure. I simply had to clean and organize my desk at work. It was really, really bad! Reports, papers, cups of tea and bottles of water everywhere!

I found some inspiring photos of clean, organized, and lovely workspaces from Martha Stewart (and then I pictured what Martha would say if she saw my work area!!). And I got to work!

The thing about cleaning your desk is that, even if you get nothing else done for the rest of the day, you truly feel like you accomplished something.

Isn't this desk set great??

Have a great day!!


Maureen said...

I love a clean desk.... I love every thing that's clean. I need to stop blog reading and go clean! :)

I need to read about your vacation - HH is one of my favorite places on earth!

Nicole-Lynn said...

I love a clean desk and office space too. Makes me feel more organized!

Always Organizing said...

I so need to clean my desk at work! Thanks for the motivation :)

Darling said...

There is NOTHING better than a clean desk! I have been trying to make mine a happier place too. I love the near header, BTW!

Holly said...

i have to clear out the tea cups, coffee cups everyday before i leave! drives me nuts

Anonymous said...

A clean desk is certainly a perfect reason to be happy! Love it.